Northwood Preschool

Full- Day Preschool
Full-day preschool is for families who are working or attending school. The children enrolled in the full-day program are ages 3-5 years old.
Monday- Friday 7:00 am- 5:00 pm
Classroom (916) 566-2705 Ext 22938
Monday- Friday 7:00 am- 5:00 pm
Classroom (916) 566-2705 Ext 22938
Part- Day Preschool
Part Day preschool aligns with the TRUSD student calendar. The children enrolled in the part-day program are ages 3-5 years old.
Morning Class: 8:00 am- 11:00 am
Afternoon Class:12:00 pm-3:00 pm
Classroom (916) 566-2705 Ext 22940
Morning Class: 8:00 am- 11:00 am
Afternoon Class:12:00 pm-3:00 pm
Classroom (916) 566-2705 Ext 22940

Contact Information
Contact Information
Contact Information
TRUSD Enrollment
To enroll in Full- day or Part- day Preschool, please call (916) 566-1616
To enroll in Full- day or Part- day Preschool, please call (916) 566-1616

Our Philosophy
Our Philosophy
We believe your child comes to us with unique experiences, interests, and learning styles. Our goal is to know your child well and use this knowledge to guide, support, and motivate him or her. We believe that good teaching requires continual professional development, personal reflection, and collaboration. We encourage you to partner with us to give your child the most powerful and joyous learning experience possible.
Child Directed Learning Centers
Child Directed Learning Centers
Our classroom provides your child with a variety of learning environments including art, science, manipulatives, math, blocks, dramatic play, music, IPod center, writing, and reading.
We use Creative Curriculum and Guided Language Acquisition Design strategies. Music and Physical Education are embedded in the Units of Study.
Enlightened Discipline
Enlightened Discipline
To promote a positive environment for learning, we use three classroom guidelines from Enlightened Discipline: *Be Safe*Be Kind *Be Clean
To teach social skills such as empathy, sharing, dealing with feelings, we use the Second Step program.
To teach social skills such as empathy, sharing, dealing with feelings, we use the Second Step program.
Education is a partnership between home and school. We value family involvement at every level and encourage you to collaborate with us. Please feel free to call, write a note, or e-mail us with questions about your child’s education. We are also available to schedule an individual conference with you regarding any issues or concerns you may have.